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4149 Results

Location: Contra Costa x
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = 'attachment') AND ID IN (SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'wpmf-category' AND parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE term_id = 231))) AND (true) AND (true) ORDER BY post_title DESC LIMIT 425,25
2023.11.02 Motion to Compel Individual Claims to Arbitration and Stay Non-Individual Claims 062
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ...eement, the agreement by its own terms excludes the present dispute from its scope, because the law in existence at the time of contracting did not allow for arbitration agreements for individual PAGA claims. That law has since changed, but the contract itself excludes "claims that are not subject to arbitration under current law" — meaning the aw of 2019. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 12 JUDICIAL OFF...
2023.11.02 Motion for Summary Judgment, for Leave to File Amended Complaint 345
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ...filed a Cross-complaint against Plaintiff and Payroll Masters. In March 2018, Jones Law sought leave to amend the Cross-complaint, which was granted. Thereafter, Jones Law's First Amended Crosscomplaint was filed, which added Cross-Defendant Sandra Vella-Andrade as a partyto the action. Ms. Vella-Andrade demurred to the FACC — as well as the subsequently filed Second Amended Crosscomplaint. This led to the filing of a Third Amended Cross-compla...
2023.11.02 Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement 113
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ... to 175 class members. 32 packets were returned by the post office. Follow up resulted in 15 new addresses, leaving 17 nondeliverable. No objections or requests to opt out have been received. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 12 JUDICIAL OFFICER: CHARLES S TREAT HEARING DATE: 11/02/2023 28 A. Background and Settlement Terms Despite its clever name, Rodd & Gunn is not a sporting goods business but a retail s...
2023.11.02 Motion for Final Approval of Class Action and PAGA Settlement 604
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ... The moton is granted. Since preliminary approval was granted, the administrator has mailed notices to 407 class members. 31 packets were returned by the post office. Follow up resulted in 27 new addresses, leaving 4 nondeliverable. No objections have been received, and only one request for exclusion. A. Background and Settlement Terms Defendant is in the business of providing clinical outpatient intervention to autistic teens, and their SUPERIOR...
2023.11.02 Motion for Approval of PAGA Settlement 363
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ... their attorney's fees, litigation costs, administration costs, and representative payments. The motion is granted. A. Background of the Case and Terms of Settlement This a PAGA case (not a class action), alleging a variety of violations of the Labor Code concerning failure to provide rest and meal breaks, failure to pay minimum wages and overtime, and cascading derivative violations. This case was first filed on February 23, 2021 as a class acti...
2023.11.02 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 817
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ...y November 27, 2023. This is a lawsuit between two former cohabitants, previously inwlved romantically and otherwise with each other; the female plaintiff is substantially younger than the male defendant. The male party has filed a cross-complaint against the female. This is her demurrer to his cross- complaint. Legal Standards for Ruling on Demurrer In ruling on the demurrer, the Court must accept as true all well-pleaded factual allegations of ...
2023.11.02 Demurrer to FAC 460
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.11.02
Excerpt: ...TRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 12 JUDICIAL OFFICER: CHARLES S TREAT HEARING DATE: 11/02/2023 11 Medical care as to FAC in its entirety and all causes of action — sustained with leave to amend; (b) additionally and/or alternatively, general demurrers to FAC in its entirety and all causes of action by Tele Care and Medical Care based on failure to allege facts as to employer status in light of Exhibits A and B to FAC Exhibit 1— sustai...
2023.11.01 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 810
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Fannin, Jill
Hearing Date: 2023.11.01
Excerpt: ...confusion) alleges 26 causes of action against approximately 23 defendants in her 5AC. NAT is named as defendant "Doe 2." The targets of Plaintiffs claims include her former spouse Laurence Alamillo ("Larry"), the family company Alamillo Rebar, Inc. ("ARI") in which Janice and Larry jointly hold an approximate 53% interest through their family trust, other of the Alamillo family who are owners, officers and/or directors of ARI, another officer of...
2023.11.01 Anti-SLAPP Motion to Strike 829
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Fannin, Jill
Hearing Date: 2023.11.01
Excerpt: ...djudication. The anti-SLAPP special moton to strike is denied. The motion for judgment on the pleadings is construed as a demurrer to the cross-complaint and, so construed, is granted with leave to amend. Defendants shall file and serve any amended crosscomplaint by November 13, 2023. I Background Plaintiff (also referred to as "Giuffrida"), a surgeon, previously worked for defendants, Vivek Bansal, MD, and Vivek Bansal MO, INC. (collectively "de...
2023.10.30 Motion for Leave to File Complaint 703
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.30
Excerpt: ...s initiated this achon by filing their Complaint on March 25, 2022. Plaintiffs entered into a lease agreement for residential property located at 317 Lester Avenue, #304 in Oakland, California. The Complaint alleges a number of tort and contract claims against defendants related to the lease and the condition of the property. Defendants filed their Answer on October 31, 2022. None of the Defendants filed a cross-complaint at SUPERIOR COURT OF CAL...
2023.10.30 Motion for Monetary Sanctions 649
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.30
Excerpt: ...ts forth a single cause of achon for negligence relating to an alleged physical altercation that took place between Defendant Peter Hilliard and Plaintiff on September 14, 2020. On March 18, 2022, moving Defendants propounded 17 requests for admission ("RFA") on Plaintiff. Plaintiff did not oppose the motion, and as a result the Court entered an order deeming the RFAs admitted on July 20, 2022. Thereafter, on September 6, 2022, moving Defendants ...
2023.10.30 Motion to Set Aside Default, Judgment 370
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Devine, John P
Hearing Date: 2023.10.30
Excerpt: ...inehart on June 23, 2023 are ordered vacated. Defendants shall file their answer to the complaint by no later than November 15, 2023. Plaintiff's requests for attorneys' fees and/or imposition of a penalty under Code of Civil Procedure section 473(c) are denied. Background Plaintiff Concentric Development Group, Inc. filed a complaint against defendants Exact Construction and Developers, Inc. and Ricky Rhinehart for breach of contract and convers...
2023.10.30 Motion to Strike 586
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.30
Excerpt: ...FORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 18 JUDICIAL OFFICER: DANIELLE K DOUGLAS HEARING DATE: 10/30/2023 Factual Allegations and Positions of the Parties The Court issued a tentative ruling on Defendants' Moton to Strike on August 14, 2023. That tentative ruling laid out in detail the factual allegations of the Complaint, as well as the positions of the various Parties in some detail. Please see that earlier tentative ruling for a ful...
2023.10.30 Motions for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 278
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.30
Excerpt: ...S 1291W, et seq.) — retaliation for engaging in protected activty; and (4) violation of FEHA (Government Code S 12940(j)) — quid pro quo sexual harassment). For the following reasons, the Motion is granted. Legal Standard Code of Civil Procedure ("CCP") SS 437c(o)(1) and 437c(p)(2) provide the relevant legal standard for deciding the Motion. Section 437c(o)(1) provides, in relevant part: A cause of action has no merit if one or more of the el...
2023.10.26 Motion to Strike Punitive Damages 792
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ...ded Complaint. For the reasons set forth, the moton is denied. Background Plaintiffs Jeffrey R. Kenny and Lekhini Joshi-Kenny as Trustees of their living trust ("Plaintiffs" or the "Kennys" for convenience) purchased a home in Danville in 2021. (First Amended Complaint ("FAC") 1, 9.) They allege that after purchasing their home, they discovered their neighbors the Bancrofts had improvements in an area abutting the two properties that they assert ...
2023.10.26 Motion for Summary Judgment 404
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ...rth LLC. Defendants move on the grounds that the derivative claims (second through fifth causes of action) are barred because EBO has lost standing to sue on Taylor's after relinquishing its membership interest voluntarily, without wrongdoing by Defendants. Defendants also contend that the sixth cause of action for declaratory relief is barred EBO lost standing to seek declaratory relief under the Taylor operating agreement after relinquishing it...
2023.10.26 Motion for Summary Judgment 048
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ...s a portion of Defendants' property in San Ramon. It is alleged that when the two adjacent properties were built in approximately 1965, a significant portion of Plaintiffs' driveway was actually built on Defendants' property. As the Plaintiffs, and their predecessors in interest, have using that area since the 1960's, is alleged that a prescriptive easement exists in favor of the Plaintiffs. Plaintiffs initiated these proceedings by filing their ...
2023.10.26 Motion for Protective Order, to Compel Further Responses 813
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ... the Plaintiff regarding additional complaints she received from patents regarding Defendant. Plaintiff requests a protective order to restrict questioning of Ms. Ozuna regarding her employment with Defendant and her alleged bias against Defendant. "Except as otherwise provided by statute, all relevant evidence is admissible." Evidence Code 5351. "Relevant evidence' means evidence, including evidence relevant to the credibility of a witness or he...
2023.10.26 Motion for Final Approval of Class Action Settlement, Attorney Fees 686
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Treat, Charles S
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ...nt. The motions are granted. Since preliminary approval was granted, the administrator has mailed notces to 152 class members. 5 packets were returned by the post office. Follow up resulted in 2 new addresses, leaving 3 nondeliverable. No objections or requests to opt out have been received. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 12 JUDICIAL OFFICER: CHARLES S TREAT HEARING DATE: 10/26/2023 2 A. Background and S...
2023.10.26 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 686
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: 3rd, 4th, and 5th C/As — overruled. Background Plaintiff alleges she was employed by defendant Orinda Country Club from December 2017 until she was constructively discharged on April 18, 2022. (Compl. 2, 17.) Her complaint includes 17 causes of action, alleging violations of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, Labor Code section 12940 et seq. ("FEHA"), including various forms of discrimination, hostile work environment, and retaliation, wag...
2023.10.26 Demurrer 694
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Maier, Clare
Hearing Date: 2023.10.26
Excerpt: ..., defendant USA Equestrian Trust, Inc. ("Trust") has filed a partial opposition and partial request for joinder as to USEF's demurrer. The Court rules on these motions as follows and further discussed below: Joinder by Trust in the USEF demurrer is allowed. Both demurrers (by USEF and USPC) are overruled. The motions to strike are denied. A. Background Plaintiff, as a young equestrian training toward her goals of becoming an "A-Rated Pony Clubber...
2023.10.23 Petition to Compel Arbitration 495
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.23
Excerpt: of the relevant arbitration agreement, and although AHMC is not a signatory to the relevant arbitration agreement, there are nonetheless two bases for the Court to compel this matter to arbitration. First, AHMC says, it may enforce the arbitration agreement as a third-party Second, according to AHMC, it may enforce the arbitration agreement under the doctrine of equitable estoppel. The Court considers each in turn. Relevant Factual and Procedu...
2023.10.23 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 250
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.23
Excerpt: ...hat no triable issue of a material fact exists supporting her causes of action. County's motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication is granted in part and denied in part. Summary adjudication of the first, second, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh causes of action is granted. Summary adjudication of the third cause of achon is denied. Summary judgment is denied. The reasons follow. l. Disputed and undisputed Facts Plaintiff Angela Spruill...
2023.10.23 Motion for Summary Judgment 539
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.23
Excerpt: ...posed motions for summary judgment are granted. Legal Standard Code of Civil Procedure ("CCP") SS 437c(o)(1) and 437c(p)(2) provide the relevant legal standard for deciding the MS]. Section 437c(o)(1) provides, in relevant part: A cause of action has no merit if one or more of the elements of the cause of action cannot be separately established, even if that element is separately pleaded. Section 437c(p)(2) provides, in relevant part: A defendant...
2023.10.23 Demurrer to TAC 544
Location: Contra Costa
Judge: Douglas, Danielle K.
Hearing Date: 2023.10.23
Excerpt: ... wherein plaintiff articulates such facts. Background Plaintiff alleges that, while he was a middle school student in approximately 1972, he was sexually assaulted and abused by special education teacher on multiple occasions during school hours. The abuse allegedly occurred notw-thstanding that the District was on notice about the teacher's propensity to commit the abuse. Plaintiff filed this action on November 30, 2022 against various Doe defen...

4149 Results

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