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16417 Results

Location: Orange County x
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = 'attachment') AND ID IN (SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'wpmf-category' AND parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE term_id = 236))) AND (true) AND (true) ORDER BY post_title DESC LIMIT 950,25
2024.04.11 Demurrer 912
Location: Orange County
Judge: Salter, Glenn R
Hearing Date: 2024.04.11
Excerpt: ...llegations in the complaint, defendants (including these Doe defendants), “distribute and sell their kratom products to residents in California pursuant to a false and misleading marketing campaign.” The complaint further alleges that defendants do not disclose the serious health risks of the product; nor state that the product is the subject of warnings from poison control centers and is known to be not safe for human consumption. And it spe...
2024.04.11 Demurrer 811
Location: Orange County
Judge: Howard, Theodore R
Hearing Date: 2024.04.11
Excerpt: ...lment” against Ford, based on allege d defects in her vehicle, but asserts only economic losses. Under the economic loss rule (the “ELR”), where a purchaser's expectations in a sale are frustrated because the product is not working properly, the remedy is in contract alone, for he has suffer ed only economic losses. (Robinson Helicopter Co., Inc. v. Dana Corp. (2004) 34 Cal.4th 979, 988.) Claims for monetary losses between contractual p...
2024.04.11 Demurrer 651
Location: Orange County
Judge: Lee, Richard
Hearing Date: 2024.04.11
Excerpt: ...iled to fil e an opposition. In reviewing the complaint, it is unclear what causes of action are being alleged and against whom. However, the gravamen of the complaint appears to be rooted in a negligence claim. Defendant's first argument that plaintiff's complai nt fails to plead any of the elements of dangerous condition of public property under Government Code section 835 is well taken. Moreover, Defendant also appears correct in its asserti...
2024.04.11 Demurrer 314
Location: Orange County
Judge: Larsh, Erick
Hearing Date: 2024.04.11
Excerpt: ...nd unintelligible. ” (Cal. Code Civ. Proc., § 430.10, subds. (e) & (f); see Cal. Code Civ. Proc., § 430.50, subd. (a) [demurrer may be taken to whole pleading or to any of the causes of action stated therein].) “A person against whom a complaint or cross -complaint has been fi led may, within 30 days after service of the complaint or crosscomplaint, demur to the complaint or cross -complaint.” (Cal. Code Civ. Proc., § 430.40, subd. (a)....
2024.04.11 Application to Strike Declaration of Non-Monetary Status Filing 497
Location: Orange County
Judge: Salter, Glenn R
Hearing Date: 2024.04.11
Excerpt: ... declarati on of non-monetary status stricken immediately, it is DENIED. To the extent it seeks an order shortening time, it is also DENIED. Plaintiff has failed to show an emergency or why the matter cannot be heard in the ordinary course. This latter is without prejudice to the filing of a noticed motion to be placed on the court's regular law and motion calendar. Demurrer Defendant State of California Department of Health Care Services filed...
2024.04.10 Motions to Quash Records Subpoena 262
Location: Orange County
Judge: Steiner, Scott
Hearing Date: 2024.04.10
Excerpt: ...endant has filed late oppositions. Any party to the action or the witness may bring a motion to quash a subpoena and may request the Court to quash it entirely, modify it, or direct compliance with it upon those terms and conditions as the court shall declare inc luding protective orders. In addition, the court may make any other order as may be appropriate to protect the moving party from unreasonable or oppressive demands including unreasonabl...
2024.04.10 Motion to Compel Deposition 837
Location: Orange County
Judge: Steiner, Scott
Hearing Date: 2024.04.10
Excerpt: ...appear fo r the deposition “without having served a valid objection under Section 2025.410.” (Code Civ. Proc., § 2025.450, subd. (a).) A written objection to a deposition notice must be served at least three calendar days prior to the date for which the deposition i s scheduled. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2025.410, subd. (a).) The Counsel for each side made some agreements, the details of which are disputed. Parties agreed that that the second ses...
2024.04.10 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 341
Location: Orange County
Judge: De La Cruz, Andre
Hearing Date: 2024.04.10
Excerpt: ...resulting from the breach, and damage to plaintiff. Ann M. v. Pacific Plaza Shopping Center, 6 Cal. 4th 666, 673 (1993) (disapproved on another ground in Reid v. Google, Inc., 50 Cal. 4th 512, 527 (2010), fn. 5). Pursuant to the Complaint, Plaintiffs own property in a c ommon interest development which is managed by the Northwood Villa Homeowners Association (the “HOA”). Compl. ¶¶ 1,4. The HOA contracted with Defendant to provide property ...
2024.04.10 Demurrer 339
Location: Orange County
Judge: De La Cruz, Andre
Hearing Date: 2024.04.10
Excerpt: ...n for tortious interference with contractual and business relations against Defendants Ralph Lauren and Swim USA, and sixth cause of action for conspiracy against Defendants Ralph Lauren and Swim USA. The Court rules as follows: The Demurrer is SUSTAINED WITH LEAVE TO AMEND as to the fourth cause of action for fraudulent concealment. Pursuant to Civil Code section 1710(3) fraud by concealment is the “suppression of a fact, by one who is bound t...
2024.04.09 Demurrer 788
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gabriel, Lee
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...stitution or laws of the United States, or of the rights secured by the Constitution or laws of this state, the Attorney General, or any district attorney or city attorney may bring a civil action for injunctive and other appropriate equitable relief in the name of the people of the State of California, in order to protect the peaceable exercise or enjoyment of the right or rights secured. An action brought by the Attorney General, any district a...
2024.04.09 Motion for Reconsideration 061
Location: Orange County
Judge: Schwarm, Walter
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...a motion pursuan t to Section 391.1 is filed prior to trial the litigation is stayed, and the moving defendant need not plead, until 10 days after the motion shall have been denied, or if granted, until 10 days after the required security has been furnished and the moving defendant given written notice thereof. When a motion pursuant to Section 391.1 is made at any time thereafter, the litigation shall be stayed for such period after the denial ...
2024.04.09 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 521
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gabriel, Lee
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...437c(a)(1).) “A p arty may move for summary adjudication as to one or more causes of action within an action, one or more affirmative defenses, one or more claims for damages, or one or more issues of duty, if the party contends that the cause of action has no merit, that there is no affirmative defense to the cause of action, that there is no merit to an affirmative defense as to any cause of action, that there is no merit to a claim for damag...
2024.04.09 Motion for Terminating Sanctions 549
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gabriel, Lee
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...Chang's medical condition.” On 12/12/23, the Court granted Plaintiff Dean Chang's (Plaintiff) unopposed motion to compel the deposition of Defendant Lucille Chang (Defendant), ordering Defendant to appear for deposition and produce documents pursuant to the deposi tion notice no later than 2/29/24, and awarding sanctions of $4,525 in sanctions against Defendant. Defendant did not oppose the motion to compel her deposition which was granted on 1...
2024.04.09 Motion to Compel Arbitration 431
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gabriel, Lee
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...voluntarily waives each party's right to a jury trial and court trial. (Lazarus v. Titmus (1998) 64 Cal.App.4th 1242, 1248).” (ROA No. 10.) The present motion to compel arbitration was filed on 8/24/23 and is unopposed. On 1/8/24, Plaintiff filed and served a subst itution of attorney stating that counsel Lenden Webb substituted for Plaintiff's former counsel Christopher Olsen. On 1/9/24, the Court continued the hearing on this motion and ord...
2024.04.09 Motion to Compel Deposition 259
Location: Orange County
Judge: Apkarian, Gassia
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ... not opposed t his Motion and has failed to meet that burden. Further, it is clear that the questions do not implicate any private communications between Defendant and her attorneys and the attorney -client privilege does not apply. As for privacy, there must be a legally protected privacy interest, an objectively reasonable expectation of privacy in the given circumstances, and a threatened intrusion that is serious. (Williams, 3 Cal.5th at p. 5...
2024.04.09 Motion to Strike 284
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gabriel, Lee
Hearing Date: 2024.04.09
Excerpt: ...content of a website. (Searles Valley Minerals Operations, Inc. v. State Board of Equalization (2008) 160 Cal.App.4th 514, 519; See also LG Chem, Ltd. v. Superior Court of San Diego County (2022) 80 Cal.App.5th 348, 362, fn. 7.) Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sec tion 436, the Court may, upon a motion made pursuant to section 435 or at any time in its discretion, strike out “any irrelevant, false, or improper matter inserted in any pleadin...
2024.04.08 Motions to Compel Discovery 754
Location: Orange County
Judge: Vu, Nathan
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...e to Requests for Production of Documents (Set Three) is GRANTED. Defendant Capital Managers, LLC is ORDERED to serve full, complete, and verified responses and responsive documents to Cardflex Inc.'s Requests for Production to Capital Managers, LLC, Set 3, without ob jections, within 10 days of this ruling. Defendant Eventus Holdings, LLC is ORDERED to serve full, complete, and verified responses and responsive documents to Requests for Produ...
2024.04.08 Motions to Compel Discovery 254
Location: Orange County
Judge: Vu, Nathan
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...-42, 55 -56 is GRANTED in part and DENIED in part. Defendant General Motors, LLC is ORDERED to serve full, complete, and verified responses to Form Interrogatories – General, Set One, Interrogatories Numbers 12.1 and 15.1 within 30 days of service of the notice of r uling. Defendant General Motors, LLC is ORDERED to serve full, complete, and verified responses to Plaintiff's Special Interrogatories to Defendant General Motors, LLC, Set One, I...
2024.04.08 Motion to Strike 355
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fish, Jonathan
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...they are not mat erial to the disposition of the motion. Additionally, the Court declines to issue an advisory ruling on the issue of waiver of attorney -client privilege, because an assertion of the privilege is not before the court. Merits Taylor Graphics moves, under C CP section 425.16, for an order striking the following allegations in Espinosa's Cross -Complaint: “[Taylor Graphics breached the Lease and caused a nuisance for] failing and ...
2024.04.08 Motion to Set Aside or Vacate Default 841
Location: Orange County
Judge: Strickroth, Michael J
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...Plaintiff is self-represented. California Rules of Court, Rule 2.251(c)(3)(B) 6 provides that self - represented parties “are to be served by non -electronic methods unless they affirmatively consent to electronic service.” Code of Civil Procedure section 1010.6 provi des for electronic service of documents in cases filed on or after 1/1/19, but section 1010.6 subdivision (d)(4) states local rules requiring electronic filing and service mus...
2024.04.08 Motion to Declare Vexatious Litigant 847
Location: Orange County
Judge: Strickroth, Michael J
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...r in the la st seven years; (2) someone who “repeatedly relitigates or attempts to relitigate, in propria persona” matters that have been finally determined against him or her; (3) someone who "while acting in propria persona, repeatedly files unmeritorious motions, pleadings, or other papers . . . or engages in other tactics that are frivolous or solely intended to cause unnecessary delay.” Code of Civil Procedure § 391(b). Code of ...
2024.04.08 Motion to Compel Production 243
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fish, Jonathan
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ... not moot. Sinaiko Healthcare Consulting, Inc. v. Pacific Healthcare Consultants(2007) 148 Cal. App. 4th 390, 405- 407. Code Civ. Proc. section 2031.310 provides, in relevant part, that “any party may obtain discovery” by “inspecting, copying, testing, or sampling d ocuments, tangible things, land or other property, and electronically stored information in the possession, custody, or control of any other party to the action.” Code Civ. P...
2024.04.08 Motion to Compel Further Responses, to Strike 368
Location: Orange County
Judge: Hurwitz, Lon F
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: the cl ass and aggrieved employee allegations in the First Amended Complaint. UPCOMING EVENTS: 1. Motion to Compel Responses to Special Interrogatories – April 5, 2024 2. Motion to Compel Responses to Requests for Production – April 5, 2024 3. Motion to Appear Pr o Hac Vice – May 31, 2024 FACTS/OVERVIEW: This is a putative wage -and -hour class action and PAGA matter. On February 7, 2022, Plaintiff Alondra Rosas Valencia, as an individua...
2024.04.08 Motion to Compel Further Responses 363
Location: Orange County
Judge: Hurwitz, Lon F
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: and rec eiving extensions of time, the Cosic Defendants served unverified responses consisting of boilerplate objections to each and every request. Plaintiff's counsel attests that on October 19, 2023, he sent a meet and confer letter to Defendants' counsel regard ing the deficiencies in his discovery responses and requesting supplemental responses within seven days. (See, e.g., ROA 82, Declaration of Shawn S. Dargahi (“Plaintiff's Counsel...
2024.04.08 Motion to Compel Arbitration 274
Location: Orange County
Judge: Hurwitz, Lon F
Hearing Date: 2024.04.08
Excerpt: ...ed a Class Action Complaint against Defendant Prospera Management, Inc. (“Defendant”). (ROA 2.) The original Complaint alleged several causes of action for Labor Code wage - and -hour violations. On September 7, 2023, pursuant to stipulation and order, Plaintiff dismissed her individual claims and putative class action claims without prejudice, and filed the operative First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) alleging a single cause of action for ...

16417 Results

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