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16398 Results

Location: Orange County x
SELECT * FROM wp_posts WHERE (post_type = 'attachment') AND ID IN (SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_term_taxonomy WHERE taxonomy = 'wpmf-category' AND parent IN (SELECT term_id FROM wp_terms WHERE term_id = 236))) AND (true) AND (true) ORDER BY post_title DESC LIMIT 16375,25
021.12.02 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, Dismissal 314
Location: Orange County
Judge: Lee, Richard
Hearing Date: 021.12.02
Excerpt: ...e Court partially sustained MCWE's demurrer to the Second Amended Complaint filed by Plaintiffs Newport Harbor Ventures, LLC (“NHV”) and Vertical Media Group, Inc. (“VMG”) (collectively “Plaintiffs”), eliminating two causes of action; that on 6/24/15, Plaintiffs filed a Third Amended Complaint (“TAC”); and that on 6/24/15, the Court granted MCWE's motion for summary adjudication on three of the four causes of action, including all...
2018.1.25 Demurrer 880
Location: Orange County
Judge: Wilson, Peter
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...bina has been appointed as administrator and successor in interest by the probate court as to the estates of both plaintiff John Gambina and plaintiff's former successor in interest, Johnny C. Gambina. The court's records reflect that Dorothy Gambina has attempted to file a Substitution of Attorney, and has also filed a declaration requesting the court order the Substitution be filed, and recognizing Dorothy Gambina as successor in interest. Howe...
2018.1.25 Motion for Protective Order 256
Location: Orange County
Judge: Crandall, James L
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...derance of the evidence. (Weil & Brown, Rutter Group, Civil Procedure Before Trial, Chapter 8H-5, Section 8:1454.10, citing Stadish v. Superior Court (1999) 71 Cal.App.4th 1130, 1145.) A party seeking a protective order must also provide a declaration showing a reasonable and good faith attempt to resolve the issue with opposing counsel. (CCP 2025.420(a).) “[T]he issuance and formulation of protective orders are to a large extent discretionary ...
2018.1.25 Application for Preliminary Injunction 381
Location: Orange County
Judge: Wilson, Peter
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: involved. Plaintiff has also shown a probability of prevailing on the merits of his first cause of action for violation of the Dodd-Frank Act. (15 USC 1602(bb); 15 USC 1639(c)(1); Verified First Amended Complaint at Paras. 16, 17, 21, 29; Ex. A to Verified First Amended Complaint; Romero Decl. in support of Reply, Paras. 4-7.) Plaintiff's evidentiary objections to portions of the Opposition filed by defendant RSA Premium Finance Company are ov...
2018.1.25 Demurrer 457
Location: Orange County
Judge: Howard, Theodore R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...aintiff's counsel are ordered in the future to dul y participate in the required meet and confer process, pursuant to CC P §430.41(a). Demurrer to 1st C/A for Breach of Written Contract The First Amended Complaint alleges fairly clearly, there was an ora agreement with specific terms (FAC ¶ 11) but it is less clear about the writte n contract. It alleges, the oral agreement “was later memorialized in variou s writings, together constituting a...
2018.1.25 Motion for Terminating and Monetary Sanctions 070
Location: Orange County
Judge: Crandall, James L
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...'s failure to comply with this court's orders to provide discovery was willful. Because the Plaintiff has failed and refused to comply with her obligations to provide discovery responses, and her failure to comply with this court's orders, Defendant Jamie Rico Olivarez's ability to prepare for trial has been substantially prejudiced. Given the short amount of time available before trial, an order of sanctions short of the requested terminating sa...
2018.1.25 Demurrer, Motions to Strike 870
Location: Orange County
Judge: Crandall, James L
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...rtners, LLC Joinder Motions: Defendant Wailea Property Partners, LLC's (Wailea) joinder to defendant Colliers International Real Estate Management's (Colliers) demurrer to first amended complaint and motion to strike portions of first amended complaint is DENIED as both procedurally and substantively defective. First, the joinder is untimely. A joinder is timely if it is served and filed within the time for noticing the particular motion at issue...
2018.1.25 Motion for Judgment 156
Location: Orange County
Judge: Wilson, Peter
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ... declaration of Plaintiff's counsel, none of which cite to the actual trial transcripts in this matter. By contrast, moving parties have provided specific cites to the trial record in support of their arguments against the sufficiency of any evidence concerning collectability. This matter is continued to February 1, at 2 p.m. Plaintiff is Ordered to file and serve a supplemental brief by no later than 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 29, 2018, identi...
2018.1.25 Motion for Discovery Sanctions 911
Location: Orange County
Judge: Wilson, Peter
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...preter fees actually incurred for the second session of Mr. Jin's deposition, not to exceed $1,200.00. Plaintiff to pay for the costs for the court reporter. The second session of the deposition shall occur on a date to be agreed between counsel, but no later than two weeks from today's date. The court finds that circumstances exist to make the imposition of other monetary sanctions unjust at this time, however, should Defendant be required to ap...
2018.1.25 Motion for Change of Venue 973
Location: Orange County
Judge: Wilson, Peter
Hearing Date: 2018.1.25
Excerpt: ...roper venue. CCP § 395(a). (“Where an individually joined defendant may be genuinely liable on the complaint, it has always been true plaintiff could choose that defendant's residence as the venue even though the corporate defendant was located elsewhere.” Buran Equip. Co. v. Superior Court (1987) 190 Cal.App.3d 1662, 1667.) The Michaels defendants reside in this county and are sued as individuals in the 9 th cause of action for violation of...
2018.1.24 Demurrer
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fell, Sheila
Hearing Date: 2018.1.24
Excerpt: ...nst the Ogorzalek Deft; Sustain with 10 daysleave to amend; Special Motion to Strike The Ogorzalek Defts have failed to make a threshold showing that the challenged causes of action arise from protected activity; The gravamen of Pltf's claims are breach of fiduciary duty and elder abuse, not protected activities; Deny. ...
2018.1.24 Leave to Amend
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fell, Sheila
Hearing Date: 2018.1.24
Excerpt: ......
2018.1.24 Motion for Mandatory Injunction, Appt of Receiver
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fell, Sheila
Hearing Date: 2018.1.24
Excerpt: ...; This showing supports the appointment of a receiver under CCP§564(b)(1); Grant motion as follows: -Deft to change title to the real property to show Pltf and Deft as joint tenants [if this has not already been done]; -Cooperate in the listing marketing and sale of the property; -Hold the sale proceeds in a blocked account pending resolution of the underlying disputes; Unless Deft vacates the property by Saturday, 1/27/18, the Court will appoin...
2018.1.24 Withdrawal of Counsel
Location: Orange County
Judge: Fell, Sheila
Hearing Date: 2018.1.24
Excerpt: ......
2018.1.18 Motion to Quash Deposition Subpoena
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...otion to quash the subpoena to Dr. Stevens is granted. Defendant contends she seeks Dr. Stevens's records to obtain consent forms signed by Plaintiff and photographs of Plaintiff's face, mouth and teeth, and allegedly to prove Plaintiff was dissatisfied with her breast augmentation and “may suffer from body dysmorphic disorder.” None of these purported reasons for seeking Plaintiff's medical records from an unrelated procedure on a different ...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Production of Docs
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...m Interrogatory No. 6.4.” Form Interrogatory 6.4 asked Plaintiff whether she received any consultation, examination or treatment from a health care provider for any injury she attributes to the incident at issue in this case, and, if so, to identify the provider, the type of consultation, examination or treatment provided, the relevant dates, and the charges to date. After Plaintiff served her responses to Request Nos. 1-7, 9, 10, 14 and 19, he...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Physical Exam
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...Proc. Code § 2032.320 (a). Defendant has shown good cause for the second physical examination with a neurosurgeon. Prior to the first examination with the orthopedic surgeon, Defendant had no medical report indicating that Plaintiff needed surgery. Plaintiff's first neurosurgeon, Dr. Alexander Taghva, did not recommend surgery: “Unfortunately I have no surgery to offer patient, can consider NS second opinion.” Ex. E at 3. In Plaintiff's depo...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Further Responses
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...egarding Requests for Production Nos. 1, 6, 11, 13 and 19, Plaintiff's counsel is ordered to send Defendant's counsel a letter by February 1, 2018 stating whether Plaintiff has withheld any documents responsive to Requests for Production Nos. 1, 6, 11, 13 and 19 on the basis of any of the objections stated in Plaintiff's responses (initial and supplemental, if supplemental responses were served) to those Requests for Production. If Plaintiff has ...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Further Response
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: inadvertence, THE PART DRAWINGS, any portion of THE PART DRAWINGS, and/or any drafts or earlier or later versions of THE PART DRAWINGS.” Plaintiff responded with an objection that the interrogatory is compound and further responded “Responding Party has never made the part drawings publicly accessible through inadvertence or otherwise.” Civil Procedure Code § 2030.060(f) states: “No specially prepared interrogatory shall contain subpa...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Further Resp.
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...ant responded to Form Interrogatory No. 209.2 with only objections. Plaintiff's motion is granted, as limited by this ruling. Defendant is ordered to respond to Form Interrogatory No. 209.2 limited as follows: Except for this action, in the past five years has any employee employed in Defendant's Central Business Office or employed in any office overseen or supervised by the Senior Regional Director of Patient Accounting of West Region filed a ci...
2018.1.18 Motion to Compel Responses
Location: Orange County
Judge: McCormick, Melissa R
Hearing Date: 2018.1.18
Excerpt: ...2030.290. Plaintiffs did not serve and have not served responses to these sets of discovery. Plaintiffs also did not file an opposition to Defendant's motions to compel. Defendant served the subject discovery requests by mail on August 17, 2017. Keidel Interrogatory Decl. ¶¶ 2-5; Keidel RFP Decl. ¶ 2. Responses were due September 21, 2017. Plaintiffs did not serve and have not served responses. Keidel Interrogatory Decl. ¶¶ 6-7; Keidel RFP D...
2018.1.17 Motion to Dismiss 666
Location: Orange County
Judge: Horn, Frederick
Hearing Date: 2018.1.17
Excerpt: ...rminating sanctions were not served on plaintiff's attorney, Timothy Casey. While Casey's motion to be relieved was granted on 7-5-17 and the court signed the order on 7-6-17, no POS showing the order was served was ever filed. As a result, the order granting the motion to be relieved is, as yet, not in effect, and Casey remains counsel of record for plaintiff. Additionally, the street address used to serve plaintiff was not the address set forth...
2011.11.09 OSC Re Contempt 051
Location: Orange County
Judge: Gastelum, John C
Hearing Date: 2011.11.09
Excerpt: ...otion, by setting a date and time for hearing pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1212. The Motion is DENIED. “[T]he filing of a sufficient affidavit is a jurisdictional prerequisite to a contempt proceeding.” (Koehler v. Superior Court (2010) 181 Cal.App.4th 1153, 1169 (“Koehler”).) In indirect contempt proceedings based on a disobedience of a prior court order, a valid judgment must establish the following: (1) facts establishin...

16398 Results

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