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1236 Results

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Location: Los Angeles x
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A x
2021.07.12 Motion for Summary Judgment 909
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.12
Excerpt: ...gainst Defendants 1565 Haslam, LLC, Lee Wong, Alex Cardenas aka Alejandro Cardenas, Ruben Trejo, and LW Asset Management, LLC. This action concerns possession of the property located at 2115 Kress Street, Los Angeles, California 90046 (the “Property”). Plaintiffs alleges that it purchased the Property following a foreclosure sale and that Defendants continued to occupy the Property after service of a 90-day notice to quit and deliver up posse...
2021.07.09 Petition to Confirm Contractual Arbitration Award 556
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.09
Excerpt: ...y 19, 2021 to confirm an arbitration award issued on February 9, 2021 in a commercial arbitration proceeding. (Pet., ¶ 8, Ex. 8(c).) Subsequently, Wehrly filed an amended petition on March 9, 2021 to correct a typographical issue on the caption of the court form. The award is for $701,098.00 as well as injunctive relief, attorney fees in the amount of $247,054.10, costs of suit in the amount of $80,030.00, legal interest at the statutory rate, a...
2021.07.09 Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay All Court Proceedings 696
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.09
Excerpt: ...sserts causes of action for discrimination, retaliation, failure to prevent discrimination and retaliation, failure to provide reasonable accommodations, failure to engage in a good faith interactive process, wrongful termination, and various wage and hour violations. HASA now moves to compel arbitration of all of Nino's claims and to stay this action pending completion of arbitration, pursuant to a binding arbitration agreement executed by Nino....
2021.07.09 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 424
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.09
Excerpt: ...ance Company (“Mercury”) and Dean Springer (“Springer”) (jointly, “Defendants”). The Complaint asserts causes of action for inducing breach of contract, intentional interference with contractual relations, negligent interference with contractual relations, trade libel, and unfair business acts or practices. Defendants now demur to each of the causes of action in the Complaint and move to strike portions of the Complaint. Plaintiff opp...
2021.07.08 Motion to Amend Judgment, to Quash Service of Summons 552
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.08
Excerpt: ...llant NBA Automotive, Inc. (“NBA”) on October 15, 2018. On July 25, 2019, the Court issued an Amended Judgment on Appeal of Labor Commissioner's Decision, Award or Order (the “Judgment”) in favor of Defendant and Respondent Ken Gutell (“Gutell”) in the amount of $12,592.99. Thereafter, the Court granted Respondent's Motion for Attorney Fees and awarded Gutell $5,450 in attorney fees and $557 in costs. The calendar indicates that there...
2021.07.07 Motion for Summary Adjudication 812
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.07
Excerpt: ...Plaintiff Amannda Edwards filed her initial complaint against Defendants Securitas Security Services, USA, Inc. (“Securitas”), Frank Chavez (“Chavez”), and Does 1 through 25. Plaintiff originally asserted seven causes of action: (1) wrongful discharge in violation of FEHA (Gov. Code, § 12940, subd. (a)); (2) wrongful discharge in violation of public policy; (3) hostile work environment based on race in violation of FEHA (Gov. Code, § 12...
2021.07.01 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 275
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.07.01
Excerpt: ...8, Plaintiff Christopher Barragan initiated this action against Defendants Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and EFCO Corp. (EFCO). The operative First Amended Complaint (FAC), filed December 13, 2018, sets forth a claim for negligence against EFCO and a claim for statutory liability / dangerous condition of public property against MTA. EFCO moved for and was granted summary judgment on July 9, 2019. MTA now moves for...
2021.06.30 Motion to Strike or Tax Costs 283
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.30
Excerpt: ...artners LLC (“KBSP”), and MDC Venture Capital Partners US LLC (“MDC”).[1] The operative First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) was filed on September 7, 2018, and asserts causes of action for (1) sexual orientation discrimination in violation of FEHA, (2) retaliation in violation of FEHA, (3) failure to prevent discrimination in violation of FEHA, and (4) wrongful termination in violation of public policy. On January 15, 2021, the Court gran...
2021.06.30 Demurrer 415
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.30
Excerpt: ...) commenced this action against Defendants KB Home (“KB Home”), KB Homes Greater Los Angeles, Inc. (“KBLA”) and Forma Engineering, Inc. (“Forma”) for (1) trespass, (2) nuisance, (3) strict liability and (4) negligence. Plaintiffs allege as follows. In Fall 2016, KB Home and KBLA developed and supervised the construction of a 58-unit condominium project at 22001 W. Nordhoff Street, Chatsworth, CA (“Project”). KB Home and KBLA hired...
2021.06.29 Demurrer, Motion to Strike, to Deem RFAs Admitted, Compel Responses 293
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.29
Excerpt: ...1, Brad Keith, as an individual (“Plaintiff”), suing derivatively on behalf of PB Hospitality Group, LLC (“PBH”), (jointly, “Plaintiffs”) filed the First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) against Defendants PB Endeavors, LLC, William Chase Ahders and other defendants. The FAC asserts causes of action for (1) derivative action brought on behalf of PBH (breach of contract); (2) intentional misrepresentation and concealment; (3) conversion; ...
2021.06.25 Motion to Quash Deposition Subpoenas 702
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.25
Excerpt: ...oyment action on September 28, 2020, against Defendants Denny's Inc., Denny's Corporation, Julio Vasquez, and Does 1 through 100. Plaintiff alleges that she was, inter alia, sexually harassed by Defendant Julio Vasquez. Plaintiff now moves to quash three deposition subpoenas served by Defendant Denny's Inc. (“Defendant”) on Plaintiff's previous places of employment: (1) Arclight Cinema Company; (2) Bed Bath & Beyond; and (3) Roscoe's House of...
2021.06.24 Motion to Compel Further Responses 115
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.24
Excerpt: ... Company asserting causes of action for (1) Disability Discrimination; (2) Failure to Engage in the Interactive Process; (3) Failure to Provide Reasonable Accommodations; (4) Failure to Prevent Discrimination; and (5) Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public Policy. On March 28, 2018, Plaintiff served Defendant with Plaintiff's Judicial Council Form Interrogatories - Employment, Set One. (Declaration of Brittanee A. Marksbury (“Marksbury Dec...
2021.06.23 Motion to Strike 321
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.23
Excerpt: ... and Frederick Montes (“Montes”). This lawsuit arises out of Plaintiff's claim that she was subject to unlawful harassment and termination as a result of her pregnancy while employed as a general manager. As a result of her purported wrongful termination, Plaintiff seeks punitive damages against the Defendants. On February 22, 2021, Defendants filed the pending Motion to Strike portions of the Plaintiffs' Complaint pursuant to Code of Civil P...
2021.06.23 Motion to Compel Deposition of PMK, for Monetary Sanctions 362
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.23
Excerpt: ...ction for discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and various violations of the California Labor Code alleged by Plaintiff Alan Varela against Defendant Office G. Inc. (“Office G. Inc.” or “Defendant”). On January 20, 2021, Plaintiff's counsel first noticed the deposition of Defendant's Person Most Knowledgeable (“PMK”) for purposes of discovery related to Defendant's employment policies, Plaintiff's' job performance, the c...
2021.06.22 Demurrer 583
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.22
Excerpt: negligence, (3) breach of contract, and (4) conversion. Defendant now demurs to all four causes of action on grounds that the causes of action fail to state facts sufficient to constitute causes of action. Plaintiff opposes. Legal Standard A demurrer can be used only to challenge defects that appear on the face of the pleading under attack or from matters outside the pleading that are judicially noticeable. (Blank v. Kirwan (1985) 39 Cal.3d 31...
2021.06.08 Motion to Vacate Disposition Granting Motion for Summary Judgment 320
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.08
Excerpt: ...ON 663 Background On May 6, 2020, Plaintiff Donya Entertainment, Inc. (“Plaintiff”) filed its complaint against Defendant Farmers Insurance Exchange (“Defendant”) and Does 1 to 300 asserting a sole cause of action for tortious breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. On February 3, 2021, Defendant filed a motion for summary judgment on the grounds that “there is no coverage of the claim sued upon under Plaintiff's ...
2021.06.07 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 644
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.07
Excerpt: ...of California, Inc., setting forth four claims under California's Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA): 1) disability discrimination; 2) failure to engage in the interactive process; 3) failure to accommodate; and 4) failure to prevent discrimination. Defendant answered on September 17, 2020 and now moves for judgment on the pleadings as to Plaintiff's Complaint and all four causes of action therein on the grounds that Plaintiff has failed to s...
2021.06.04 Motion to Compel Further Responses 427
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.04
Excerpt: ...dant Whittier College (“Defendant”). Plaintiff's operative Second Amended Complaint filed on May 24, 2021 asserts six causes of action for: (1) defamation; (2) retaliation (FEHA); (3) failure to prevent/investigate, remedy discrimination (FEHA); (4) retaliation (Labor Code section 1102.5); (5) sexual harassment hostile work environment (FEHA); and (6) wrongful termination in violation of public policy.[1] After unsuccessful attempts to meet a...
2021.06.04 Motion for Summary Judgment 284
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.06.04
Excerpt: ...laint alleging causes of action for negligence, premises liability, and strict products liability. Plaintiff's cause of action for negligence is against Defendant Pacific Coast Elevator Corporations dba Amtech Elevator Services. The Complaint alleges in pertinent part that on July 11, 2017, Plaintiff entered an elevator located at 1050 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90017 (the “Property”), which came to an abrupt and sudden stop and caused P...
2021.05.27 Motion to Compel Arbitration 188
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.27
Excerpt: ...ffs Mirtha Salgado and Odalys Cifuentes (“Plaintiffs”). In addition to sex and sexual discrimination causes of action, Plaintiffs allege hostile work environment, failure to prevent the hostile work environment, retaliation and wrongful termination. Plaintiffs filed this Complaint against the staffing agency, their employer, the alleged harasser, and the supervisor who allegedly failed to address the hostile work environment. Plaintiffs were ...
2021.05.26 Motion for Summary Judgment 909
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.26
Excerpt: ...ainst Defendants 1565 Haslam, LLC, Lee Wong, Alex Cardenas aka Alejandro Cardenas, Ruben Trejo, and LW Asset Management, LLC. This action concerns possession of the property located at 2115 Kress Street, Los Angeles, California 90046 (the “Property”). Plaintiffs alleges that it purchased the Property following a foreclosure sale and that Defendants continued to occupy the Property after service of a 90-day notice to quit and deliver up posses...
2021.05.25 Special Motion to Strike 503
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.25
Excerpt: ...9 against various defendants. Plaintiff filed the First Amended Complaint (“FAC”) on July 15, 2020. Plaintiff filed the operative Second Amended Complaint (“SAC”) on November 17, 2020 asserting 10 causes of action for: (1) voidable transfer based on actual intent; (2) voidable transfer during or resulting in insolvency; (3) voidable transfer based upon lack of equivalent value; (4) fraud on creditors; (5) declaratory relief; (6) construct...
2021.05.24 Motion to Compel Subpoened Docs, Further Responses 015
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.24
Excerpt: ... FROM DEFENDANTS LATTUCA AND GANNON, AND (3) COMPEL PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS BY DEFENDANTS Background This matter arises from a fatal shooting which involved police officers. On April 12, 2018, Plaintiffs Estate of Zelalem Eshetu Ewnetu (the “Estate”), Abebech Tsegay Mamo, as an individual and successor in interest to the Estate (“Mamo”), Seble Zeleke, Sewunet Ewnetu, and Alemshet Tsegaye filed a Complaint. The operative pleading is the Se...
2021.05.21 Motion to Amend Judgment, Quash Service of Summons 552
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.21
Excerpt: ...ellant NBA Automotive, Inc. (“NBA”) on October 15, 2018. On July 25, 2019, the Court issued an Amended Judgment on Appeal of Labor Commissioner's Decision, Award or Order (the “Judgment”) in favor of Defendant and Respondent Ken Gutell (“Gutell”) in the amount of $12,592.99. On February 10, 2020, the Court issued an Order on Respondent's Motion for Attorney Fees, which granted Gutell $5,450 in attorney fees and $557 in costs. There ar...
2021.05.19 Motion to Strike 336
Location: Los Angeles
Judge: Beaudet, Teresa A
Hearing Date: 2021.05.19
Excerpt: ...r”) filed a wrongful death action against Defendants Del Amo Hospital, Inc. (“Del Amo”), and Universal Health Services Inc. (“Universal”) with regard to the death of Dawn Kraemer-Conner (“Decedent”). On September 21, 2020, Conner, as Successor in Interest to the Decedent, filed a complaint for elder abuse[1] and negligent hiring and supervision against Del Amo and Universal. On October 23, 2020, Del Amo and Universal answered the el...

1236 Results

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