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2615 Results

Location: San Mateo x
2019.1.28 Motion for Attorney Fees 441
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.28
Excerpt: Mr. Gross's declaration states that “The timekeepers listed [in the summary sheet of fees incurred] include attorneys Daniel Tobin, Elisabeth Connell, Tanya Taylor, myself and paralegal Karen Miller. The billing rates charged for each timekeeper are reasonable rates for lawyers and paralegals with commensurate experience litigation similar actions in California.” Gross Decl., ¶ 6. Plaintiff, however, has not submitted declarations from t...
2019.1.25 Motion to Set Aside, Vacate Default and Judgment 828
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.25
Excerpt: ...s not reasonable. As with the defendant in Hopkins v. Carley, 200 Cal. App. 4th 1401 (2011), Defendant did not exercise reasonable diligence in arranging for his defense. As the court noted in that case: . . . Before a defendant can secure relief under section 473(b) based on a failure to adequately defend himself, he must show that “‘in arranging for his defense ... he has exercised such reasonable diligence as a man of ordinary prudence usu...
2019.1.25 Motion for Money Judgment, for Attorney's Fees 268
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.25
Excerpt: ...d in April 2018 and that Darren Wallace has been named Executor of Plaintiff's estate. A probate estate is not a legal entity; it has no capacity to sue. Any litigation for the decedent must be maintained by the executor, administrator, or trustee of the estate. (Galdjie v. Darwish (2003) 113 Cal.App.4th 1331, 1344; Code of Civ. Proc. Sect. 368.5 (decedent's estate may substitute executor or other representative into action as party).) Plaintiff,...
2019.1.24 Motion to Transfer and Consolidate Related Case 133
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.24
Excerpt: ...or coordination under Code of Civil Procedure section 404.1; and the cases are “not complex” under guidelines established by the Judicial Council. (See Code of Civ. Proc. § 403.) The motion does not meet the criteria for transfer and consolidation. A. The Motion Does not Demonstrate Common Questions of Fact. The motion does not show that common questions of fact exist. In the present action, Plaintiff alleges that he was injured when the bus...
2019.1.24 Motion to Compel Further Responses 658
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.24
Excerpt: ...RY HALTEH, TRUSTEES OF THE HALTEH SI & MS 2000 TRUST TENTATIVE RULING: Plaintiff's request for judicial notice that on August 6, 2018 the Agent for Service of Process for PROGRESSLY, INC., resigned and filed a resignation with the California Secretary of State is GRANTED pursuant to California Evidence Code Section 453 as the information is not subject to reasonable dispute. Plaintiff's remaining requests for judicial notice are DENIED. Plaintiff...
2019.1.24 Application for Right to Attach Order, for Issuance of Writ of Attachment 244
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.24
Excerpt: ...ot that it will obtain a judgment against the defendant. Daiho claims Defendant AWD breached the parties' Master Transaction Agreement by failing to pay hundreds of invoices issued to AWD from December 2016 to May 2018. Daiho claims the total principal amount owed under the invoices is $11,502,014.21. Daiho's claim is supported by the declaration of Toru Hosoi, general manager of Daiho's Overseas Division. AWD claims that it made $9,182,517.74 in...
2019.1.23 Motion for Transferring and Consolidation of Civil Actions 691
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.23
Excerpt: ...otion is denied. 1. The Motion Is Procedurally Defective. To coordinate actions that are in different courts, a party may file a Petition for Coordination. The petition for coordination must be submitted to the “Chairperson of the Judicial Council.” (Code of Civ. Proc. §404.) The present motion, even if deemed a “petition,” does not satisfy this requirement. Instead of serving the petition on the Judicial Council, Plaintiff filed it with...
2019.1.23 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 097
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Davis, Leland
Hearing Date: 2019.1.23
Excerpt: ...D in its entirety. Summary judgment “shall be granted if all the papers submitted show that there is no triable issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Code Civ. Proc. §437c(c). Summary judgment in favor of a defendant is proper if (1) the defendant shows that one or more elements of a cause of action cannot be established or there is a complete defense to it; and (2) the plaintiff...
2018.8.9 Motion to Vacate, Set Aside Dismissal 210
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.9
Excerpt:, the dismissal was not entered against plaintiff. However, the declaration of Kenneth Freed states that plaintiff never intended to dismiss the entire action. Plaintiff inadvertently submitted a request for dismissal of the entire action when plaintiff only intended to dismiss the DOE defendants. As a result, it appears the dismissal which was signed by Freed, was entered without plaintiff's consent. For that reason, it should be set aside. ...
2018.8.9 Motion to Reclassify 439
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.9
Excerpt: ... have been a relatively minor automobile collision that caused about $750 in property damage to Plaintiff's bumper. Although the exact amount is disputed, it appears Plaintiff's claimed medical specials to date are in the area of $9,000. There is a dispute as to liability as between the parties. CCP 403.040(b) states: (b) If a party files a motion for reclassification after the time for that party to amend that party's initial pleading or to ...
2018.8.9 Demurrer 951
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.9
Excerpt: ...Plaintiffs fail to allege compliance with the Government Claims Act. The court sustained Defendants' prior demurrer to the First Amended Complaint on this ground, and gave Plaintiffs leave to amend. In the Second Amended Complaint, Plaintiffs still fail to complete paragraph 9 of the Second Amended Complaint by alleging that they complied with the Government Claims Act by filing a claim before bringing this action, or that Plaintiffs are excused ...
2018.8.8 Motion for Attorney's Fees and Sanctions 699
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.8
Excerpt: ...circumstances make the imposition of attorney's fees and costs unjust”. . Under the circumstances of this case, the Court is satisfied that Intervenor FRED SLIGHTAM's motion to expunge was brought with substantial justification such that an award of attorney's fees and costs is not warranted. While Intervenor FRED SLIGHTAM's motion to expunge Plaintiffs' lis pendens was ultimately denied (and said denial was upheld on appeal), it appears from t...
2018.8.8 Motion to Amend Complaint 699
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.8
Excerpt: ... to permit amendment of pleadings. Nestle v. Santa Monica (1972) 6 Cal.3d 920, 939. If discovery and investigation develop factual grounds justifying a timely amendment to a pleading, leave to amend must be liberally granted. Mabie v. Hyatt (1998) 61 Cal.App.4th 581, 596. Indeed, a court may properly grant leave to amend “at any stage of proceedings, up to and including trial.” Atkinson v. Elk Corp (2003) 109 Cal.App.4th 739, 761. Plaintiffs'...
2018.8.8 Motion to Strike 076
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.8
Excerpt: ...orth below. As to the Eighth Cause of Action for “Conspiracy to Deny Due Process Rights,” the motion is GRANTED. First, this new cause of action exceeds the scope of the Court's 05‐ 30‐ 18 Order granting leave to amend the Eighth Cause of Action in Plaintiff's Second Amended Complaint, which was entitled “Judicial Declaration Concerning Employment of General Manager Maxey”. The prior claim, which was asserted only against the District...
2018.8.7 Motion to Vacate Renewal of Judgment 188
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.7
Excerpt: ... deny the motion on this ground alone. However, even if the court assumes that service was proper, judgment debtor seeks to vacate renewal of the judgment based on defenses to the original underlying unlawful detainer action. She cites no authority indicating that such defenses would apply in an independent action on the judgment. A motion to vacate a renewal of judgment must go to the renewal itself and not the underlying judgment. If the tentat...
2018.8.7 Motion to Compel Record Release Authorizations 825
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.7
Excerpt: ... Archdiocese of San Francisco (“Defendant”) to Compel Plaintiff to Sign Record Release Authorizations for Production of VA Records is DENIED. Defendant has not provided any authority to support that a motion may be brought to compel a party to sign a record release authorization. Although Defendant cites to Code of Civil Procedure section 2031.010 as authority for this motion, this section addresses production of documents from a party that h...
2018.8.7 Motion to Compel Mental Exam 046
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.7
Excerpt: ...l.'s Motion to Compel Mental Examination of Plaintiff, and for Sanctions. There appears to have been some confusion as to the date of this hearing and, as a result, a late response was filed by Plaintiff. The evidence demonstrates Plaintiff has placed her mental condition at issue/in controversy, thus warranting the requested mental examination. Code Civ. Proc. § 2032.020. Plaintiff has conceded this fact by agreeing to undergo a mental examinat...
2018.8.7 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 659
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.7
Excerpt: ...s v. Pacific States Auxiliary Corp. (193 5) 4 Cal.2d 103. To gain that possession, the purchaser may bring an unlawful detainer action against any occupant. CCP § 1161a(b)(3). The law is longstanding that the only issues present in an unlawful detainer action are possession and damages for unlawful possession. Old National Financial Services, Inc. v. Seibert (1987) 194 Cal.App.3d 460, 464. Here, Plaintiff seeks only possession. The elements to e...
2018.8.6 Motion to Quash Deposition Subpoena 657
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Dubois, Richard H
Hearing Date: 2018.8.6
Excerpt: ...bjected to production of any and all documents from Feldman based on attorney‐ client privilege and/or work product. Feldman also stated that all documents in his possession are protected by the attorneyclient privilege. (See Feldman Decl. ¶ 10.) Thus, the court continued this motion for Feldman to provide Defendant with a privilege log with respect to these documents. (See court's June 25, 2018 Minute Order.) The court further ordered the par...
2018.8.3 Motion to Compel 700
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.3
Excerpt: ...31.320, subd. (a).) In response to Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7, Plaintiff responded that it would produce certain documents, but the motion offers no evidence that Plaintiff has refused to actually produce them. The motion states, “June 20 came and went with no production or any response from plaintiff's counsel. (Nelson Decl. ¶ 10.)” (Moving P&A at 4:22‐23.) Paragraph 10 to the Nelson Declaration states merely that Attorney Nelson did...
2018.8.3 Motion for Protective Order 546
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.3
Excerpt: ...specific requirements of Code Civ. Proc. § 2031.030, which includes a designation of the land or property to be inspected, tested or sampled by “specifically describing each individual item or by reasonably particularizing each category of item”; and a specification of “any inspection, copying, testing, sampling, or related activity that is being demanded, as well as the manner in which that activity will be performed, and whether that act...
2018.8.3 Motion for Attorney Fees 246
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.3
Excerpt: ...performed by the Knight Law Firm (“Knight firm”), and $27,775.00 for work performed by Hackler Daghighian Martino & Novak, P.C. (“HDMN”). In opposition, Defendants FCA US LLC and KTP Cars, Inc. (“Defendants”) object to both the hourly rates and the claimed time spent by the attorneys. Plaintiff provided additional declarations at the prior hearing, and the court continued the motion to consider this evidence and to give Defendants an ...
2018.8.3 Demurrer 786
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.3
Excerpt: ...because all asserted claims hinge on a 2006 trust deed signed only by decedent, Plaintiff was required to file the lawsuit within one year of decedent's 2014 death, and thus all claims are now time‐barred. Citing Probate Code § 13550, 13551, and 13554; Code Civ. Proc. § 366.2. The merits of this defense cannot be resolved on Demurrer. A demurrer lies where the dates alleged in the complaint show clearly and affirmatively that the action is ba...
2018.8.2 Motion to Strike 778
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.2
Excerpt: ...fraud. Further, it does not allege facts that can reasonably support a finding of malice or oppression, as defined by Civ. Code § 3294. The allegations lump defendants together, without specifying what acts/conduct Fidelity allegedly engaged in that constitutes fraud, oppression, and/or malice. Further, the allegations of wrongdoing appear directed at the lender and/or servicer of the loan. There is no allegation Fidelity was the lender or servi...
2018.8.2 Motion to Compel Arbitration 921
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Greenberg, Susan
Hearing Date: 2018.8.2
Excerpt: for binding arbitration. When arbitration is pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 1280 et seq., the resulting arbitration award is, in substance, binding. Judicial arbitration is nonbinding; a party dissatisfied with the award may reject the award by requesting trial de novo. In contrast, when arbitration is under Section 1280 et seq., such as what the present motion seeks, the arbitration award may be attacked only on limited grounds. ...

2615 Results

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