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2615 Results

Location: San Mateo x
2022.06.06 Motion to Dismiss Complaint 789
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.06.06
Excerpt: ...filed on September 6, 2018. Since that date, Plaintiff has not filed a proof of service establishing that the summons and complaint were served on Defendants. When the summons and complaint is not served within the three‐year period, CCP § 583.250 provides that the court shall dismiss the action. This requirement is mandatory and is not subject to extension, excuse or exception except as expressly provided by statute. Plaintiff bears the burde...
2022.06.06 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 502
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.06.06
Excerpt: ...ollows: The Motion for Summary Judgment is DENIED. The Motion addresses only the open book account and account stated claims, even though Plaintiff alleges other common count claims in the Complaint. Therefore, Plaintiff fails to meet its initial burden of establishing that it is entitled to summary judgment. However, the Motion for Summary Adjudication to the open book account claim is GRANTED. Plaintiff presents evidence to establish all the el...
2022.06.06 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 020
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.06.06
Excerpt: ...ary judgment shall be granted when “all the papers submitted show that there is no triable issue as to any material fact and that the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law.” Code Civ. Proc. Sect. 437c(c). A defendant has met the burden of showing that a cause of action has no merit if that party has shown that one or more elements of the cause of action cannot be established, or there is a complete defense to that cause of...
2022.06.06 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 772
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.06.06
Excerpt: ...on). The first cause of action alleges that Defendant made statements to Peters, which induced Peters to not pay Plaintiff, which forced Plaintiff to sue Peters. Since the Complaint does not allege any representation made to Plaintiff, the Complaint does not allege a claim for intentional misrepresentation. However, a Complaint may survive a motion for judgment on the pleadings if it alleges any cause of action, despite the title of the claim. He...
2022.06.06 Demurrer 273
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.06.06
Excerpt: be granted. The gravamen of Plaintiff's Complaint arises out of an alleged August 21, 2014 overcharge on Plaintiff's real estate loan from Defendant Bank of America. Complaint, ¶¶ 5‐14. Each cause of action relates to that event and is supported only by those factual allegations. Although the first cause of action alleges that the breach of contract began on a date to be determined after February 15, 2019, this conflicts with the prior all...
2022.06.02 Motion to Set Aside Default, Judgment 121
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.06.02
Excerpt: ...ion. (Soloway Decl., ¶7.) The FAC was served on January 18, 2022. (Id., ¶8.) The parties later disagreed about what the proper date for service was, with Defendants contending that February 22, 2022 was the proper date based on an extension of time to file due to electronic service. (Id., ¶¶13, 14 & Exs. 10, 11.) Defendants attempted to file their demurrer and special motion to strike on February 22, 2022, but the filing was rejected the foll...
2022.06.02 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 387
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.06.02
Excerpt: ... account stated and open book account. It alleges the following facts: (1) third‐party Comenity Bank issued a credit account to Defendant Marjorie Anunciacion; (2) Defendant used, or authorized the use of, the credit account to make purchases and/or transactions; (3) Defendant received periodic billing statements for the credit account; (4) Defendant defaulted in making the required payments; and (5) Plaintiff was assigned and transferred all r...
2022.05.31 Motion to Compel Arbitration 401
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.31
Excerpt: ... to the first page of each exhibit and with bookmark titles that identify the exhibit number or letter and briefly describe the exhibit”]; San Mateo County Superior Court Local Rule 3.3 [same].) “Rules of Court have the force of law and are as binding as procedural statutes as long as they are not inconsistent with statutory or constitutional law.” (R.R. v. Superior Court (2009) 180 Cal.App.4th 185, 205.) Plaintiff's Request for Judicial No...
2022.05.31 Motion for Reconsideration of Removal of Writ of Attachment 254
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.31
Excerpt: ...AINTIFF ATTORNEY OF RECORD FOR FILING A WRONGFUL WRITE OF ATTACHMENT, PROTECTIVE ORDER AND SHERIFF LEVIES WITH PREJUDICE WITHHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND TENTATIVE RULING: For the reasons stated below, Defendant Gus Williams' Motion for Reconsideration, filed 3‐10‐22, is DENIED. Code Civ. Proc. Sect. 1008. Background. On 11‐19‐21, the Court granted Plaintiff's Application for a Writ of Attachment and a Temporary Protective Order (“TPO”), in wh...
2022.05.26 Motion to Set Aside Default, Judgment 191
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.26
Excerpt: ...e neglect under Code of Civil Procedure section 473, subdivision (b). According to Defendant, he was not aware of these proceedings because he did not receive a copy of the Complaint. (Corrected Chin Decl., ¶ 5) In light of statements set forth in Defendant's declaration, the Court finds that his motion should be granted pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 473.5. That section provides that “When service of a summons has not resulted in...
2022.05.26 Motion for Attorney Fees 517
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.26
Excerpt: ...ded to Plaintiff under the Act. (See Civ Code, § 1794, subd. (d).) As a result, Plaintiff has filed this Motion, seeking an award of attorney fees and costs in the amount of $228,872.34 based on the lodestar amount and a 1.5 multiplier. Defendant does not dispute that Plaintiff is entitled to recover fees and costs but counters that the lodestar amount is inflated and that the Court should award a negative 0.2 multiplier. The Court agrees that s...
2022.05.25 Demurrer to SAC 294
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Weiner, Marie S
Hearing Date: 2022.05.25
Excerpt: ...3) 218 Cal.App.4th 1079, 1102. Defendant's Demurrer to Second Amended Complaint is SUSTAINED WITH LEAVE TO AMEND as to the Eighth Cause of Action for Wrongful Eviction, and is OVERRULED as to the Ninth Cause of Action for Declaratory Relief. The Second Amended Complaint does not allege that Plaintiff has vacated the property, which is an essential element of a wrongful eviction claim. Ginsburg v. Gamson, (2012) 205 Cal.App.4th 873, 900. Defendant...
2022.05.25 Motion for Leave to File SAC 572
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Weiner, Marie S
Hearing Date: 2022.05.25
Excerpt: ...lely to an allegedly improper transfer of funds from Plaintiff Standard Fiber Investors, LLC to Defendant Gross & Rooney in December 2019. FAC, ¶¶ 16, 23. Plaintiffs now seek leave to file a Second Amended Complaint to add causes of action against a newly identified Defendant, Interiorworx, LLC, relating to two transfers of funds from Plaintiff SFI to Interiorworx in 2014 and 2016. Plaintiffs' counsel states in his declaration that allowing ame...
2022.05.25 Motion to Compel Arbitration and Stay Proceedings 346
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Weiner, Marie S
Hearing Date: 2022.05.25
Excerpt: ...o evidence was presented by moving party of any signed acknowledgment or other document proof that Ponder ever saw or signed any arbitration agreement. Ponder provided a declaration stating that she never saw nor signed any arbitration agreement. Defendant argues that according to their Human Resources business practices, Ponder should have been given an arbitration agreement and that she would have been required to sign it – with the written p...
2022.05.24 Motion to Strike 104
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.24
Excerpt: ...not filed until more than two years later on July 30, 2021. The Judicial Council adopted California Rules of Court, Emergency Rule 9 though. Rule 9 tolled statutes of limitations for civil causes of action from April 6, 2020 until October 1, 2020. When the six‐month period set forth in Rule 9 is taken into account, Plaintiff's Complaint was timely filed on July 30, 2021. The Court also notes that the motion is procedurally improper. The Court's...
2022.05.24 Motion to Compel Further Responses, for Sanctions 366
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.24
Excerpt: ...and 50.2 within fourteen (14) days of notice of the Court's order. The request to provide further responses to Interrogatory No. 50.5 is DENIED. Interrogatory No. 12.1 seeks information regarding the identity of witnesses to, or persons with knowledge of, the events in question. In response, Defendant identified “All persons listed within documents provided by MUMBA in response to Plaintiff's First Request for Production.” Mr. Mumba's respons...
2022.05.24 Motion for Summary Judgment 104
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.24
Excerpt: ...entitling plaintiff to judgment on the cause of action].) The Complaint alleges six causes of action, but Plaintiff's Separate Statement only addresses five causes of action. Specifically, the Separate Statement fails to address Plaintiff's Second Cause of Action for Breach of Implied in Fact Contract. A separate statement in support of a motion for summary judgment must identify each cause of action and each supporting material fact claimed to b...
2022.05.24 Demurrer to FAC 876
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Fineman, Nancy L
Hearing Date: 2022.05.24
Excerpt: ...ANTS Defendant's request as to item 8. The unopposed demurrer by Defendant City of Burlingame to Plaintiff's “Case Management Conference Statement and First Amended Complaint” is SUSTAINED WITHOUT LEAVE TO AMEND. The Court sustained Defendant's demurrer to the original pleading on two grounds. First, the government claim attached to the Complaint showed that Plaintiff did not file the claim within six months of the accrual of her cause of act...
2022.05.23 OSC Re Contempt, Motion for Terminating Sanctions 454
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.05.23
Excerpt: ... Serramonte (“Defendant”) for Failure to Arbitrate, is DENIED. On November 21, 2019, the parties entered into a “Stipulation To Submit This Matter To Binding Arbitration” (“Stipulation”). (Liberty Decl., Exh. 1.) The Stipulation was approved by the Court on November 22, 2019 (“Order”). (Ibid.) Plaintiff brings this Motion contending that Defendant failed to participate in binding arbitration pursuant to the Stipulation and Order. ...
2022.05.23 Demurrer to SAC 457
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Swope, Raymond
Hearing Date: 2022.05.23
Excerpt: ...tract Plaintiff alleges that Defendant “breached the contract in violation of Section 4 Subsection 2 of the Terms of Use, Section 12 Subsection 2 of the Advertising Policies, and Section 7 Subsection e of the Facebook Platform Terms by cancelling Plaintiff's account when Plaintiff had done nothing to merit such cancellation.” SAC, ¶12. Section 4 Subsection 2 of the Terms of Use provides, in relevant part: If we determine that you have clearl...
2022.05.19 Motion to Set Aside Default, Judgment 191
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.19
Excerpt: ...e neglect under Code of Civil Procedure section 473, subdivision (b). According to Defendant, he was not aware of these proceedings because he did not receive a copy of the Complaint. (Corrected Chin Decl., ¶ 5) In light of statements set forth in Defendant's declaration, the Court finds that his motion should be granted pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 473.5. That section provides that “When service of a summons has not resulted in...
2022.05.19 Motion to Compel Further Responses 193
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.19
Excerpt: ...nd denied as to RFP Nos. 7, 12, 13, 17, and 18. As a threshold matter, Defendant has waived her objections to the RFPs. Plaintiff's RFPs, Set One were served on July 29, 2021 with responses due on October 1, 2021. (Achermann Decl., ¶ 3.) Defendant did not, however, serve her responses on October 1, 2021, and no extension of time to respond was sought by Defendant. (Id., ¶ 4.) Instead, Defendant served her responses on November 5, 2021, 35 days ...
2022.05.19 Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings 987
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.19
Excerpt: ... the Court takes judicial notice of the pleadings and docket in that case, which both parties have referenced in their papers. (See Larson v. UHS of Rancho Springs, Inc. (2014) 230 Cal.App.4th 336, 343 [when ruling on a demurrer, a court may take judicial notice of the plaintiffs' prior pleadings and positions in the same action as well as those from prior lawsuits].) The parties appear to agree that the statute of limitations governing Plaintiff...
2022.05.19 Application for Preliminary Injunction 022
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Chou, Danny
Hearing Date: 2022.05.19
Excerpt: ...D DEBORAH CHANG REVOCABLE TRUST; and DOES 1‐20, incluaive, Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No.: 22‐CIV‐00022 Assigned for All Purposes to Hon. Danny Y. Chou ORDER GRANTING APPLICATION FOR PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION Plaintiff Pacific Gas and Electric Company's (PG&E) Application for Preliminary Injunction re: Court's Order to Show Cause (Application) came for hearing before this Court on May 19, 2022 at 2:00 p.m. All parties appea...
2022.05.18 Motion to Vacate and Set Aside Default Judgment 981
Location: San Mateo
Judge: Weiner, Marie S
Hearing Date: 2022.05.18
Excerpt: ...denying Shaw‐Owens' motion to vacate judgment pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 473(d) (arguing Shaw‐Owens was never personally served with the Summons and Complaint, and thus the default Judgment is “void” under Sect. 473(d)). With the prior motion having been denied, Defendant asks the Court to set the Judgment aside on equitable grounds, after the time limit for seeking relief under Sect. 473 has elapsed. Although the Court h...

2615 Results

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