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2890 Results

Location: San Francisco x
2019.2.28 Motion to Compel Supplemental Discovery 104
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.28
Excerpt: ...ned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the hearing will proceed before the Judge Pro Tem who will decide the motion with the same authority as a Superior Court Judge. If a party appears by telephone, the stipulation may be signed via fax or consent to sign given by emai...
2019.2.27 Motion to Require Plaintiff to Proceed Under True Name, to Seal Records 468
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...r True Name. Defendant City and County of San Francisco's motion for an order requiring Plaintiff "John Doe" to proceed under his true name is granted. While there is no blanket rule against the use of fictitious names by plaintiffs in cases where (as here) such a procedure is not explicitly authorized by statute, a plaintiff may not use a fictitious name except when unusual circumstances justify protecting his true identity, such as ...
2019.2.27 Motion to Quash 731
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...t necessarily follow that because the Wells Fargo account was only used for the apartment's rents and expenses, every deposit into the account constituted "missing rental income." Standing alone, the single deposit on one occasion in 2017 from a Chase bank account does not necessarily lead to any particular conclusion about the Chase account. Here, Defendants have provided an explanation for the Chase deposit - that is, it was money t...
2019.2.27 Motion for Summary Judgment 170
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...tners, Inc.'s motion for summary judgment is denied. The motion is denied as moot as to the cross‐complaint by Armstrong Flooring, Inc. because that cross‐complaint was dismissed on January 10, 2019. Nova's motion is denied as to the Maxxon Corporation cross‐ complaint because Nova failed to maintain its burden of production. The Court sustains Maxxon's objection to the Marks declaration because he failed to sign it. (Code Civ. ...
2019.2.27 Motion for Protective Order, to Compel Deposition 324
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the hearing will proceed before the Judge Pro Tem who will decide the motion with the same authority as a Superior Court Judge. If a party appears by telephone, the stipulation may be signed via fax or consent to sign given by email. If not all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the...
2019.2.27 Motion for Change of Venue 183
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...ion is Contra Costa County, the residence of both Defendants, and the county in which the alleged contract was entered into, was to be performed, and was allegedly breached. (Code Civ. Proc. Secs. 395(a), 395.5.) A cause of action for defamation or slander is not an action "for injury to person" within the meaning of Section 395(a). (Graham v. Mixon (1917) 177 Cal. 88, 93; see also Carruth v. Superior Court (1978) 80 Cal.App.3d 215, 217�...
2019.2.27 Demurrer 187
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.27
Excerpt: ...nd Dev Gnanadev, M.D.'s demurrer to Petitioner William Y. Moores, M.D.'s first amended petition for writ of mandate and complaint for damages and declaratory and injunctive relief is sustained without leave to amend as to all nine causes of action. Petitioner's claims fail for several reasons-most notably, expiration of statutory limitations periods and principles of res judicata. Per Evidence Code sections 452(c)-(d), and 453, the Co...
2019.2.26 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 749
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.26
Excerpt: portions of plaintiff Keri Findley's first amended complaint is denied as to the request for punitive damages and sustained with leave to amend as to the request for injunctive relief. Ms. Findley has sufficiently alleged that defendants engaged in malicious conduct with a willful and conscious disregard for the rights of others by alleging that defendants caused her termination in order to continue their illicit scheme. Ms. Fridley has no...
2019.2.26 Application for Right to Attach Order and Writ of Attachment 600
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.26
Excerpt: granted in the amount of $1,081,315. Plaintiffs have carried their burden to show by a preponderance of the evidence (1) that the claim upon which the attachment is based is one upon which an attachment may be issued; (2) Plaintiffs have established the probable validity of the claim upon which the attachment is based; (3) the attachment is not sought for a purpose other than the recovery on the claim upon which the attachment is based; and (4...
2019.2.26 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 863
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.26
Excerpt: ...or Summary Adjudication Defendant Equinox Holdings, Inc.'s motion for summary judgment is granted. Causes of action 1, 3, 5, and 9 all fail because Equinox is not vicariously liable for the alleged sexual assault as a matter of law. Equinox has a policy against sexual assault and such conduct is not part of normal yoga instruction. (Plaintiff's Response to UMF 2.) The fact that it is foreseeable that yoga instruction can involve touching ...
2019.2.26 Motion to Reclassify Case 408
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.26
Excerpt: ... an accident that occurred on October 18, 2015 was filed on August 2, 2016, and all of the evidence of Plaintiff's medical treatment dates to 2015 and 2016. At Plaintiff's deposition, which was taken on December 15, 2016, Plaintiff testified that he was suffering residual pain from the accident. Plaintiff has failed to show good cause for not seeking reclassification earlier. (Code Civ. Proc. § 403.040(b)(2).) That counsel delayed for mo...
2019.2.25 Motion to Strike Punitive Damages 964
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...the "Punitive Damages Allegations" contained in paragraphs 15 and 16, is granted. (See Turman v. Turning Point of Central California, Inc. (2010) 191 Cal.App.4th 53, 63 [affirming order striking punitive damages allegations].) In order to state a prima facie claim for punitive damages, a complaint must set forth the elements stated in the general punitive damage statute, Civil Code section 3294, including allegations that the defendant ha...
2019.2.25 Motion for Undertaking from Out of State and Foreign Corporation 737
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...s Glass Systems, Inc.'s motion for undertaking is denied. Bagatelos fails to present competent evidence demonstrating that there is a "reasonable possibility" that it will prevail within the meaning of Code of Civil Procedure § 1030(a). The only evidence that Bagatelos relies upon is the declaration of counsel Christopher Rodriguez. The Court sustains C.I. Energia's objections to that declaration. The declaration fails to show th...
2019.2.25 Motion for Preliminary Injunction 115
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...led to show either a reasonable probability of success on the merits or an imminent threat of irreparable harm. (San Francisco Newspaper Printing Co. v. Superior Court (1985) 170 Cal.App.3d 438, 442 [holding that an injunction must not issue unless it is reasonably probable that the moving party will prevail on the merits]; Tahoe Keys Property Owners' Assn. v. State Water Resources Control Bd. (1994) 23 Cal.App.4th 1459, 1471 [holding that is...
2019.2.25 Motion for Clarification of Order to Compel Depositions, Production of Docs, for Sanctions 669
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...ompel Appearances At Depositions, (2) To Compel Production Of Documents At Deposition, And (3) For Sanctions Pro Tem Judge James Fleming, a member of the California State Bar who meets all the requirements set forth in CRC 2.812 to serve as a temporary judge, has been assigned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all p...
2019.2.25 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 636
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...e of action for declaratory relief, and is sustained as to the third cause of action for fraud with 30 days' leave to amend. The Court takes judicial notice of the Subscription Agreement, which both parties discuss. The Court previously denied Defendants' motion for judgment on the pleadings as to the breach of contract cause of action. Defendants' newly-asserted contention that the contract is illegal and unenforceable is unavailing....
2019.2.25 Demurrer 690
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.25
Excerpt: ...infliction of emotional distress without leave to amend. Mr. King's intentional infliction of emotional distress claim is time‐barred. Claims for intentional infliction of emotional distress have a two‐year statute of limitations. (Code Civ. Proc. § 335.1; Wassmann v. South Orange Cty. Comm. College Dist. (2018) 24 Cal.App.5th 825, 852‐53.) "A cause of action for intentional infliction of emotional distress accrues, and the statute...
2019.2.22 Petition to Compel Arbitration, to Stay Litigation Pending Resolution 186
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.22
Excerpt: ...Continued Per Parties' Request. Defendants' petition to compel arbitration of all the complaint's counts save the Private Attorney General count is GRANTED and this litigation is STAYED pending the arbitration. (CCP §1281.4.) The two arbitration agreements' existence is undisputed. The agreements are not invalid because "permeated with unconscionability," as plaintiffs argue. Two sentences in the three‐page single‐spa...
2019.2.21 Motion to Compel Arbitration, Stay Proceedings 891
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...attorneys' fees and costs as sanctions is denied. Plaintiff Toni Lessler expressly consented to the Mutual Arbitration Agreement ("MAA" or "the agreement") by signing it. Defendant's signature on the MAA was not a requirement for Defendant to enforce the agreement to compel arbitration. (See Serafin v. Balco Properties Ltd., LLC (2015) 235 Cal.App.4th 165, 176 ["[T]he writing memorializing an arbitration agreement need...
2019.2.21 Demurrer 520
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ... to amend as to all causes of action. Mr. Sherwin has failed to plead facts demonstrating or excusing compliance with the claims presentation requirement of Gov't Code § 900 et seq. (State of California v. Superior Court (2004) 32 Cal.4th 1234.) Mr. Sherwin has not alleged his claim was delivered to the Office of Risk Management at the Office of the Chancellor of the California State University as required by Gov't Code § 915 (d) or tha...
2019.2.21 Motion for Leave to File Amended Complaint 211
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...eir First Amended Cross‐Complaint. Judge Schulman discloses that he is personally acquainted with Jeffrey Lowenthal, one of Defendants' counsel. This will not interfere with his ability to fairly and impartially decide this matter. Defendants Fifth Historic Properties, LLC,, Martin Mcnerney Development, Inc., 418 Jessie Historic Properties, LLC, 418 Jessie Properties, LLC's motion for leave to file a first amended cross‐complaint is g...
2019.2.21 Motion for Summary Adjudiction 383
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ... written fee agreements between an attorney and a client, Business and Professions Code section 6148(a) requires an attorney, at the time the contract is entered into, to "provide a duplicate copy of the contract signed by both the attorney and the client . . . to the client." Failure to comply with any provision of section 6148 "renders the agreement voidable at the option of the client," but "the attorney shall, upon the agr...
2019.2.21 Motion for Summary Judgment 692
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 503 Asbestos
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...s‐containing products or materials attributable to defendant. (Weber v. John Crane, Inc. (2006) 143 Cal.App.4th 1433, 1442.) The burden of production "should not shift without stringent review of the direct, circumstantial and inferential evidence." (Sheiding v. Dinwiddie Construction Co. (1999) 69 Cal.App.4th 64, 83.) Defendant cannot rely on a plaintiff's factually devoid discovery responses in the absence of conducting comprehens...
2019.2.21 Motion to Dismiss 012
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...s filed on October 24, 2016. Plaintiff failed to exercise reasonable diligence in the prosecution of this action. He did not serve defendant with the summons and complaint for over six months, causing the Court to issue an order to show cause. The delay was not attributable to settlement negotiations or discussions. Plaintiff was not reasonably diligent in either seeking or responding to discovery. Plaintiff failed timely to respond to proper dis...
2019.2.21 Motion to Enforce Settlement, Petition to Compel Return to Arbitration and Stay Proceedings 679
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...ter judgment pursuant to Code Civ. Proc. § 666.4 are satisfied. There was no "pending litigation" between the parties when they stipulated that their settlement may be enforced under § 664.6. (Kirby v. Southern California <0003003e00550048004f00 00460058005700480047[ before suit filed could not be enforced under § 664.6]; see also Viejo Bancorp, Inc. v. Wood (1989) 217 Cal.App.3d 200, 206 ["By its very terms, section 664.6 is limit...
2019.2.21 Petition to Compel Arbitration, Stay Civil Action 279
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...9;s Petition/Application To Compel Arbitration And Stay Civil Action.(part 1 of 2) Defendants Milestone Financial, LLC, Bear Bruin Ventures, Inc., William R. Stuart, Carolyn Stuart, and Zoe Hamilton's petition to compel arbitration and stay civil action is denied. Plaintiffs allege that they were fraudulently induced to enter into the original loan agreement and later loan modification agreements by Defendants' fraudulent misrepresentatio...
2019.2.21 Request for Stay, Motion to Set Aside Default, Judgment 340
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.21
Excerpt: ...019 to serve Defendants' counsel with a declaration attaching medical records that provide evidentiary support for that request. Such declaration shall be served by hand and email on opposing counsel, and a courtesy copy must be provided to Department 302, specifying that it is for the Court's viewing and not for filing. If Defendants wish to object to the sufficiency of Ms. Karnazes's declaration and medical records, they must do so ...
2019.2.20 Petition to Compel Arbitration or Dismiss or Stay Proceedings 900
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ... Inc.'s petition to compel arbitration of the claims asserted in plaintiff Okan Pergil's first amended complaint is granted and the action is stayed pending conclusion of the arbitration proceedings. Beverages & More has met its burden to show by a preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Pekgil electronically signed the Arbitration Agreement by completing an onboarding process which plaintiff accessed through his personal email account sho...
2019.2.20 Motion to Stay Proceedings 201
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ...s denied. A trial court considering a forum non conveniens issue engages in a two‐step process. The first step is to determine whether a suitable alternative forum exists. (National Football League v. Fireman's Fund Ins. Co. (2013) 216 Cal.App.4th 902, 917.) Where (as here) there is a suitable alternative forum, the court proceeds to the next step, consideration of the private interests of the parties and the public interest in keeping the ...
2019.2.20 Motion to Determine Good Faith Settlement 637
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: carefully considered the declarations and documents filed by all three cross-defendants seeking good faith determinations in this case, particularly Plaintiff's interrogatory responses regarding the amount of their claimed damages and the report of Plaintiffs' expert Richard Avelar regarding the causes of the claimed damages and the costs to repair the identified water intrusion and associated damages. The discovery responses, expert r...
2019.2.20 Motion to Compel Responses, for Production of Docs, Establishing Admissions, for Sanctions 959
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ...est For Production Of Documents; Compelling Responses To Written Interrogatories; Establishing Admissions; And Request For Sanctions. Plaintiff CACH, LLC's motion for order compelling responses to Plaintiff's request for production of documents, compelling responses to written interrogatories, establishing admissions, and request for sanctions is granted in part. Defendant William Taylor's discovery responses were due by November 20, ...
2019.2.20 Motion for Summary Judgment, Adjudication 862
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ...ges is granted. Plaintiffs have not shown clear and convincing evidence that Defendants committed or ratified an act of oppression, fraud, or malice, or evidence from which such an inference reasonably could be drawn. (Civ. Code § 3294(b).) Summary adjudication of plaintiffs' retaliation claims is granted because plaintiffs have failed to make a prima facie showing of any causal link between their protected activity and any alleged adverse e...
2019.2.20 Demurrer 996
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ...n Tober's first amended complaint is overruled as to the first and fifth causes of action for breach of contract and breach of Business & Professions Code section 17200, and sustained without leave to amend as to the second, third and fourth causes of action for interference with contractual relations, willful failure to pay wages in violation of the Labor Code, and intentional interference with prospective economic advantage. As an initial m...
2019.2.20 Demurrer 790
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.20
Excerpt: ... action 1-6. Insurance Code § 790.05 provides that whenever the Commissioner shall have reason to believe that an unfair practice is occurring and it would be in the public interest to issue an order to show cause, then the Commissioner shall issue an order to show cause. Plaintiffs allege that persons are violating Insurance Code §§ 14022 and 14022.5, the Commissioner has been apprised of specific evidence regarding these violations, and that...
2019.2.19 Motion for Preliminary Injunction or to Stay Arbitration, for Consolidation, for Joinder 761
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.19
Excerpt: ...ay Arbitration And For Consolidation Arterra's motion for preliminary injunction is DENIED. The Association and JAMS are not parties to this action. In fact, Arterra seeks injunctive relief against non-party JAMS and there is no showing that JAMS even has notice of this motion. While in some circumstances an injunction can run against a non-party agent, the court believes that the better practice would be to name JAMS or at the very least giv...
2019.2.19 Demurrer, Motion to Strike 408
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.19
Excerpt: ...x v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. (2005) 35 Cal.4th 797, 808; Amended Complaint, 42.) Plaintiff's allegations of exclusive knowledge and active concealment support the claim in the absence of a fiduciary relationship. (See Heliotis v. Schuman (1986) 181 Cal.App.3d 646, 651; Amended Complaint, 12-15 and 102.) The economic loss rule does not bar the claim because plaintiff pleads tortious conduct independent of the alleged breach of contract. Any...
2019.2.19 Motion to Dismiss Proceeding and Petition for Relief 311
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.19
Excerpt: ...e Alternative Transfer, For Lack Of Subject Matter Jurisdiction And Supporting Memorandum Defendant State Compensation Insurance Fund's motion to dismiss proceeding and its petition for relief or, in the alternative, transfer for lack of subject matter jurisdiction are DENIED without prejudice to renewal after the second amended complaint is filed. Absent an operative complaint, I would largely be ruling in a vacuum. Though State Fund did not...
2019.2.19 Motion for Summary Judgment 563
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.19
Excerpt: ... is denied. Defendant does not maintain its initial burden of production. Defendant fails to show that the fine dust on the light colored floor was a trivial defect and therefore there is a triable issue of material fact regarding the existence of a dangerous condition of property. (Vargas Special Rog. Response, #1.) Privette v. Sup. Crt. (1993) 5 Cal.4th 689 and its progeny are inapposite. The instant action does not involve the injury of an emp...
2019.2.19 Motion to Consolidate 248
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 503 Asbestos
Hearing Date: 2019.2.19
Excerpt: ...r Gypsum Company, Inc. and Hanson Permanente Cement, Inc. formerly known as Kaiser Cement corporation, into the following subgroups: 1) wrongful death/mesothelioma; 2) living/lung cancer: 3) wrongful death/lung cancer; 4) living/other cancer; 5) wrongful death/other cancer; 6) living/asbestosis; 7) wrongful death/asbestosis; 8) living/pleural disease, is denied. The actions do not involve sufficient common questions of law or fact, economy and co...
2019.2.15 Motion to Quash Subpoena, for Protective Order 431
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.15
Excerpt: ...ber of the California State Bar who meets all the requirements set forth in CRC 2.812 to serve as a temporary judge, has been assigned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the hearing will proceed before the Judge Pro Tem who will decide the motion with the same authority...
2019.2.15 Motion for Reconsideration or Order Granting Reinstatement of Default 425
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.15
Excerpt: ...t Carlos Del Olmo's motion for reconsideration of the September 27, 2018 order reinstating the default entered against him on February 13, 2018 is granted on the condition that Mr. Del Olmo pay plaintiff Leslie <0003001500130014001c00 00480003005700520003>pay that sum by the required date will result in prejudgment interest of 10 percent per year on any unpaid amount added to the amount due, but is not a basis to reinstate the default entered...
2019.2.14 Motion for Determination of Good Faith Settlement 493
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ...nation that its settlement with plaintiff Thomas Lewis is in good faith per CCP 877.6 is granted. MRL has adequately addressed all of the applicable Tech‐Bilt factors. The ECIG defendants have not shown that the settlement between Mr. Lewis and MRL is outside the ballpark. The amount of the settlement represents a fair approximation of MRL's proportionate share of a judgment notwithstanding the reasonable prospect of a liability finding aga...
2019.2.14 Petition to Compel Arbitration and Stay Action 938
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ...proceedings on all of the claims alleged by plaintiff Maria Tatone other than her PAGA claim. The Arbitration Agreement supersedes all inconsistent language in the Offer Letter and requires the parties to arbitrate all "Arbitrable Claims" as defined in the Arbitration Agreement except claims relating to the rights and obligations of the parties set forth in the CIAA. The parties' three agreements can easily be harmonized and reconcile...
2019.2.14 Motion to Compel Responses, for Monetary Sanctions 581
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ..., And For Monetary Sanctions Pro Tem Judge Roger Mead, a member of the California State Bar who meets all the requirements set forth in CRC 2.812 to serve as a temporary judge, has been assigned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreeing that the motion may be heard by the Pro Tem Judge. If all parties to the motion sign the stipulation, the hearing will proceed before the Judg...
2019.2.14 Motion to Compel Further Responses 850
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ... To Plaintiff Artem Koshkalda And Andriy Kravchuks Responses To Form Interrogatories Set One Special Interrogatories Set One And Requests For Production Of Documents Set One Pro Tem Judge Roger Mead, a member of the California State Bar who meets all the requirements set forth in CRC 2.812 to serve as a temporary judge, has been assigned to hear this motion. Prior to the hearing all parties to the motion will be asked to sign a stipulation agreei...
2019.2.14 Motion for Summary Judgment 705
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ...utes whether: 1) the combination of the carpet, gap, and lip of the trim constitutes a dangerous condition of property (Williamson Depo 63:14‐23; 68:2‐19; 69:22‐71:13) and 2) that condition caused Ms. Tryon's injury (Williamson Depo 69:22:1‐71:13). While Sutter's reply memorandum argues that Ms. Tryon has no evidence on the element of notice, Sutter's notice of motion does not mention that issue nor was that issue argued in Su...
2019.2.14 Motion for Peremptory Writ of Administrative Mandamus 487
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: mandamus is denied. The court reviews legal issues de novo and employs the substantial evidence test in reviewing hearing officer Lowe's factual findings. (Strumsky v. San Diego County Employees Retirement Ass'n, (1974) 11 Cal.3d. 28, 32; Zuniga v. San Mateo Department of Health Services, (1990) 218 Cal.App.3d 1521, 1530 (substantial evidence test used to review order to destroy dog).) Substantial evidence in the record demonstrates th...
2019.2.14 Motion for Mandatory Attorneys' Fees 093
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.14
Excerpt: ...anted in part. Ms. Franus is awarded $10,044.54 in fees and costs, the amount she sought in her initial motion. It is undisputed that, by her attorney, Ms. Franus agreed not to pursue further efforts to seek fees and costs for the services rendered in her successful anti‐SLAPP motion in return for full payment of the amount she sought in her initial fees and costs motion. Plaintiff Jennifer Thompson fully performed her part of the agreement. Th...
2019.2.13 Motion to Strike Answer to Petition for Writ of Mandate, for New Trial, for Relief 160
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.13
Excerpt: ...e is granted. The answer filed by real party in interest Christopher Garrison after the writ decision by Judge Quidachay is untimely and was not authorized by the court. Mr. Garrison has not cited any authority, nor is the court aware of any authority, allowing a real party in interest in a writ proceeding who didn't participate in the case prior to the decision to file an answer after the decision. Any party who contests a tentative ruling m...
2019.2.4 Demurrer 876
Location: San Francisco
Judge: Department 302
Hearing Date: 2019.2.4
Excerpt: ...constitute any cause of action. (Code Civ. Proc. § 340.) The Court sustained the Medical Board's previous demurrers in part without leave to amend, but granted Plaintiff leave to amend her claim that the Medical Board has violated Business and Professions Code Section 828 by not excluding investigative reports from information provided to persons outside of the Medical Board. Plaintiff's second amended complaint does not allege any facts...

2890 Results

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